Feminist Group of CPDE

Feminist Group of CPDE

The Feminist Group (FG) at the  Civil Society Organization (CSO) Partnership for Development (CPDE) is an open and organized constituency with a common purpose: contributing to ensure that the CPDE, Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) and other relevant development effectiveness policy arenas apply a feminist approach to development cooperation and fulfil the list of asks collected in the “Key Demands”  from Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) and Gender Equality Advocates to the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and the Development Cooperation Forum. It falls under the ‘sectoral groups’ structure of the CPDE and is an evolved version of previous forms of informal self-organization, collaboration and coordination of WROs and feminists in the aid and development effectiveness journey prior to Accra 2008.

Feminist Group follows

The feminist approach, principles and demands gathered in the WKDs document, international WRs conventions, as explained in Chapter 2 of this Guide. The group values diversity, good communication and respect amongst all its members. Its members strive to:

    • Learn from each other and respect the learnings. 
    • Set up regular communication with each other and translate documents and meetings into other languages as much as possible. 
    • Work in harmony and be sensitive and appreciative of diversities, capacities, languages, and personalities. 
    • Recognise diversity amongst the different members in all group communication and position building. 
  • Obtain backing from their individual organisations and the CPDE for the work of the FG. Allocate sufficient time to the work of the group; ensuring the work gets done even amongst busy schedules