“Gender Equality and the Sustainable Development Goals”
Support for the Central Asian Network of Women’s Organizations
Advocacy for Gender
Budgeting Facilitating the promotion of multi-stakeholder partnerships for gender equality at the national and local levels
Advocacy for women’s rights at international conferences, including the UN Commission on the Status of Women
Goals of the program
Promoting gender equality and women's rights in all directions
Building the capacity of women's organizations in all directions
Promoting and organizing collective action of women's organizations and women's groups in all areas
How does program work?
Within the framework of the program, public women’s organizations and women’s groups increase their capacity building
Joint collection of information, meetings, interviews, focus groups and surveys to analyze the situation
Public women’s organizations and women’s groups are united in a single network within the framework of the program
Development of recommendations on further priorities and strategies for both government agencies and public organizations
Raising awareness of women’s organizations, interested state bodies, local athorities, women, the population
Joint lobbying of power structures and other interested organizations in order to improve the status of women, ensure gender equality and women’s rights
Joint review and assessment of the status of women in all direction