Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
The Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan welcomes the April 2021 elections to the ayil kenesh with energy and conviction in the readiness of rural women to actively compete for parliamentary seats.
The Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan welcomes the April 2021 elections to the ayil kenesh with energy and conviction in the readiness of rural women to actively fight for parliamentary seats.
Under the program “Women’s Participation in Political Processes”, the Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan prepared 112 women from 4 regions of the Republic (Osh, Issyk-Kul, Chui and Jalal-Abad) to participate in local elections as candidates for deputies of aiyl keneshes. From April 2020 to March 2021 we have been gathering rural women in our training sessions on participation in local elections in online and offline formats, sharing knowledge and experience, developing strategies and tactics of work with the population, developing electoral programs and learning to identify the needs of women.
As a result of their participation in the program, women developed and improved collaboration with local women’s organizations. As part of the program, the women created networks to support each other. Intensive study and discussion of various documents and experiences of current local women deputies, learning about women’s rights, gender equality, laws and political processes have strengthened rural women’s confidence and willingness to run for office. Women are now ready to fight for women’s political rights, better understand what women’s rights are and what ways can be used to improve the situation of women.
Participation in the program of the Forum contributed to the activation of women local leaders to change the attitude of local authorities to the problems of women. Women activists and women’s organizations participating in the “Women’s Political Participation” program were able to introduce the needs of rural women into local plans and budgets. Thus, at the initiative of a member of the Forum’s network of women’s organizations “DIA”, activities to combat violence against women were introduced into the local plan and budget. Another organization “Initiative Group of Women of Tyup district” was also able to introduce activities to combat violence in the local plan and achieve the allocation of the budget. It is necessary to note these achievements against the background of strengthening patriarchy and growing religious fundamentalism.