Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
In May 2022, the Women’s NGO Forum of Kyrgyzstan held two online trainings for women who want to engage in entrepreneurship as part of the program of the Women’s NGO Forum of Kyrgyzstan “Women and the Economy”. We expect that at least 50 rural women will increase their capacity in basics and entrepreneurship as a result of participation in the Women and the Economy program. And also at least three program participants from each region will start entrepreneurial activities.
The purpose of the training was to teach the basics of doing business to rural women so that they can improve their well-being and, accordingly, their families, to develop economic independence, as an important aspect of combating violence against women.
Rural women from Issyk-Kul, Osh, Jalal-Abad and Chui regions took part in the trainings.
The first online training “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” was held on May 6-7, 2022 and gathered 54 women. The participants of the training received knowledge on business planning, assessing the future business using SWOT analysis, using the CANVAS tool and 13 business steps when planning their own business. Participants were asked to submit their first 20 business ideas filled in the CANVAS form to receive trainers’ recommendations.
35 women took part in the second online training on May 21-22 on the topic “Steps to start a business”. The attention of the participants of the training was directed to the purposeful management of their finances, the importance of timely documentation of their business. Guest speakers shared their experience of starting a business. The trainers presented their recommendations on the business ideas of the participants of the training.
The next event of the program is a training for women who want to engage in entrepreneurial activities offline.