Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
EGIONAL DIALOGUES: “Defending Civic Space”
Innovation for Change (I4C) Network in Central Asia Hub
Regional Dialogue «Role, impact of and barriers for the civil society in Central Asia and Mongolia»
The online Regional Dialogue was held by the Innovation for Change (I4C) Network in Central Asia and Mongolia as planned to address issues of the role, impact of and barriers for the civil society in Central Asia and Mongolia. The current period for Central Asia and Mongolia is characterized by active participation of civil society organizations in the region in diverse social, economic, political processes that influence peoples’ lives. It is important to reflect the growing role of social movements and increasing role of power of the People in the region. The Regional Dialogue provided opportunities to share success, share ways of working and strengthen this important network “Innovation for Change (I4C) Network in Central Asia and Mongolia”. Regional dialogue held on September 20, 2024 at 16.00-18.30 p.m.
The Dialogue raised issues of the Enabling Environment for, Defending Civic Space for Civil Society in Central Asia, barriers in front of the civil society organizations and of course Participants will talk about the areas of impact of the Central Asia organizations in the region and will be followed up by a vibrant discussion of the serious components of the civic space.
Based on the analysis of the context of the region and the organizational structure of the network, the Board of the I4C in Central Asia and Mongolia has decided to discuss during this Regional Dialogue the following two main themes and proposed several sessions.
There was a session on Citizen Participation in Decision Making and Democracy, transparency and good governance, Digital Advocacy in Central Asia and Mongolia and a session on Enabling Environment for Civil Society and shrinking civic space in Central Asia and Mongolia. Both sessions included open space with discussions of the major areas and role of the civil society, and impact of civil society in the region, and also participants will be able to review and discuss civic space and a vision of the role and impact of civil society in the region Follow up actions for the Innovation for Change (I4C) Network.
Main findings/ highlights were of the discussions were on role, impact and barriers of civil society of Central Asia and Mongolia.
Main issues raised on session on the Citizen Participation in Decision Making and Democracy, Transparency and Good Governance, Digital Advocacy in Central Asia and Mongolia. The experience of civil society organizations in citizen participation in decision making was presented:
Kazakhstan: 1) Compliance with standards of public participation in decision-making processes-; 2) Involvement of young people in decision-making processes; 3) Conducting discussions of regulatory legal acts at an early stage of document development; 4) Developing online broadcasts from court proceedings; 5) Signing online petitions; 6) Conducting research, holding campaigns; 7) Creating an online game to increase interest in certain issues; 8) Filing lawsuits in court; 9) Releasing caricatures of officials
Tajikistan: 1) High potential of public initiative organizations; 2)Activities of public organizations are based on the needs of target groups
Uzbekistan: 1) Active civic position of NGOs to expose facts of corruption; 2) Educating and informing the public about its rights, opportunities
Problems in the field of citizen participation in decision-making:
Kazakhstan: 1) Lack of unity and partnership; 2) Competitiveness in finding money and receiving it
Tajikistan: 1) Representatives of public organizations do not know their rights and powers, are not informed about the legislative aspects of their activities; 2) Duplication of the work of international organizations and NGOs
Uzbekistan: 1) The Law “On Social Partnership”, which unscrupulous bureaucrats interpret as an opportunity to exploit NGOs when they receive grants; 2) Government agencies are afraid to work with NGOs
Main issues raised were on session on the Session on the Enabling Environment for Civil Society and Shrinking Civic Space in Central Asia and Mongolia
Problems in the sphere of citizen participation in decision-making: