Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
Forum of Women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan
On behalf of the Innovation for Change /I4C Hub and Forum of women’s NGOs of Kyrgyzstan will comduct the Innovation for Change/I4C Central Asian Hub Strategic Planning
meeting in Bishkek, 25 July 2023 – 27 July 2023
The Central Asian Hub Strategic Planning meeting will be held in hybrid manner: offline and online.
The core objective of this Strategic Planning meeting is to produce a new Strategic Plan for the I4C Central Asia hub for the timeframe 2023-2026. The existing Strategic Plan had been
developed in 2019 and updated in 2020 during Covid-19. Its timeframe expired and an update is needed. In addition, the situation of both the I4C Central Asia hub and the global I4C network
has changed considerably during that time period.
During the coming strategic planning meeting it is planned to organize at the regional level:
(1) a review of the experience from the implemented activities, successes and achievements
celebrated and challenges identified;
(2) a review of the strategic priorities of the I4C Central Asia hub;
(3) adapt the governance model of the I4C Central Asia hub to the new realities;
(4) strengthening the leadership of the I4C Central Asia hub in accordance with this new governance model;
(5) strengthening the links between the I4C Central Asia hub and other regional hubs based on the existing experience of collaboration in the network.